e-learning - future of education?

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Learning content storage costs

Thinking about the e-learning content I decided to investigate the costs of "content storage". In other words I try to compare the costs of the instrument that carry all the knowledge to the learners. Below you will find out the costs of making:
  • books - traditional paper textbook - costs include printing and paper costs of book in circulation of 10 000 copies
  • CD - production costs of 10 000 CD
  • web server costs - hosting costs of server with capacity of 10 GB and the annual traffic of 2400 GB (that should be enough to serve 10 000 clients)

All cost do not include costs of preparing the "content". (writing book,editing, programming etc.)

Costs of production of paper textbook are almost 14 times higher that being stored at www server....


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