e-learning - future of education?

Thursday, August 31, 2006

e-Learning Management Systems

Learning Management Systems

For company that would like to start e-learning business there is common question about decision what Learning Management System should it use. After few hours of searching the net I can say that there is many of them available on the market (also own system can be programmed and implemented). Some of them are commercial other are distributed as an open source sortware. Decision will not be easy and need a deep investigation in terms of matching company requirements. Bellow you can find short overview of systems that I found in the internet. I haven't made any comparison of them in terms of features, development and costs of implementation.

LON-CAPA - http://www.loncapa.org/ - Open Source

LON-CAPA is a full-featured, web-based course management system similar to commercial systems. At Spring 2006, LON-CAPA was serving over 16,000 course enrollments per semester at MSU alone, and approximately 40,000 course enrollments system-wide, ranging from middle school to graduate level courses. Disciplines include astronomy, biology, business, chemistry, civil engineering, computer science, family and child ecology, geology, human food and nutrition, human medicine, mathematics, medical technology, physics, and psychology.

moodle! - http://moodle.org/ - Open Source

Moodle is a course management system (CMS) - a free, Open Source software package designed using sound pedagogical principles, to help educators create effective online learning communities. You can download and use it on any computer you have handy (including websites), yet it can scale from a single-teacher site to a 50,000-student University. This site itself is created using Moodle, so check out the Moodle Demonstration Courses or read the latest Moodle Buzz

Moodle has a large and diverse user community with over 100,000 registered users on this site alone, speaking over 70 languages in over 150 countries. The best place to start is Using Moodle, which is where the main international discussions are held in English, but we have a variety of groups discussing other topics and in other languages. .

LEO - Leo e-Learning Platform - commercial (polish product)

Young Digital Poland designed LEO to be a comprehensive and versatile Internet based eLearning platform, which allows effective management of complex e-learning and e-teaching processes.

The platform has been designed to manage multiple virtual schools, which, within the Leo environment, are called the e-Schools. E-Schools are created by a Platform Administrator who controls the platform’s resources and keeps responsibility for integrity of all the system. Once an e-School is created the LEO platform provides all the necessary tools for tailoring the educational content and maintaining detailed control over all learning processes running within the platform.

Other free e-Learning Management Systems

other systems in Wikipedia category

List of polish e-learning web pages using Moodle! software
What is Open Source? - elearningg course that uses Moodle!Managementt System


  • Which one do you think is the best?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:50 am  

  • I really don't know. Probably as usually, each system is different. Which system is better will probably depends on your requirments. Each company/organization must decide themself. (the same situation like buying any other software)

    By Blogger Forty4, at 12:14 pm  

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